Saturday, September 24, 2011

Daddy's Girl

Dear Isadora,

Lately, you've been daddy's girl.  I can already tell that there is a special bond growing between the two of you.  On Thursdays, daddy has the day off and watches you while mommy works.  On those days, I come home to find you both happily hanging out together.  I watch the way you look at daddy and follow him with your eyes and squeal in delight.  It's so sweet.  And now that it's football season, sometimes I come home to find the two of you watching football as well.  Daddy is already raising you to be a little Wolverines fan.

Go Blue!

When daddy told me that you liked watching football, I was skeptical.  But when a game has been on TV,  I have noticed how intently you like to watch the games.  In fact, you start to kick and whine when a commercial comes on, and you stop when the game comes back on.

Daddy and IzzyBy George...

Mommy wasn't raised to like or even follow sports, so to see this early joy you have in sports is fascinating.  Maybe one day you can teach me how to appreciate them more.



Sunday, September 11, 2011

Carrying on a Family Tradition

Dear Isadora,

I can't explain why, but your mommy and daddy are obsessed with mustaches.  We find them quite hilarious to say the least.

Jason and MeI Want to Be Like Groucho 4Yes?Mr. StacheI'm Incognito

So is it any wonder that we have already passed the baton on to you (at only two months old) to help us carry on this family tradition?


Make us proud.



Friday, September 9, 2011

Tummy Time

Dear Isadora,

Now that you're getting bigger, mommy and daddy have been doing more and more tummy time with you.  Mommy read somewhere that babies that practice tummy time regularly develop the muscles needed for crawling.  You can't be a blob forever, so the least mommy and daddy can do is give the training you need to crawl.  Cue the Rocky theme song...

Tummy TimeTummy TimeTummy TimeTummy TimeTummy Time

Good job, Izzy!  You can do it!



Sunday, September 4, 2011

Two Month Old Immunizations

Dear Isadora,

Last Thursday, mommy and daddy took you to get your two month old immunizations.  We had been dreading this appointment for a while.  If you're anything like mommy, I hate needles!  During the whole appointment when the nurse and the doctor were performing their checks of your weight, height, head size, and motor skills, I kept thinking, "Oh, my poor baby... She doesn't know what's coming..."

Trip to the Pediatrician

An unsuspecting Izzy at the pediatrician's office

The doctor was happy with your development.  Here were your stats:

  • Weight: 12 lbs. 5 oz. (75%-90%)
  • Length: 22.25" (50%)
  • Head Circumference: 40 (90%-95%)
After speaking with your doctor, the nurse came back in to the room to administer your immunizations.  She gave you an oral vaccination first which you seemed to enjoy.  Then, she asked that I hold your arms down so that she could administer the shots.  I held your arms as you laid on the patient table, smiling up at me.

"Just remember that mommy loves you," I said.

Shot one.  You furrowed your brows.
Shot two.  You started squirming around vigorously.
Shot three.  Your face turned red, you wailed, and tears streamed out of your eyes.

I scooped you up and held you in my arms and nursed you for a bit to help ease your pain.  (My poor baby.)  Soon, you returned to your normal self.  The nurse gave you some bright cheery Band-aids which helped mommy and daddy remember what areas of your legs not to touch for a while.

All Done


You survived!

Mommy had to go to work that day, but daddy stayed home and took care of you.  Your legs were pretty sore that day which made you very grumpy and unhappy.  That's the day daddy learned that grape flavored children's Tylenol for infants is your friend.

We have to take you back in two more months to get more shots... We haven't broken the news to you yet.  Until then, we'll just live in denial.


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