For Mother's Day, I told daddy that all I wanted was to redecorate our master bathroom -- new shower curtain, new bath mat, new shelves, and new paint. Expecting to receive a gift card to Lowes or Home Depot on Mother's Day morning, I received this instead:
It was the sweetest, most unexpected gift I could hope for. Having your first work of art is an honor. My favorite part was seeing your sweet little hand print in the bottom right-hand corner of the work. Even daddy's extra special touch of adding the decorated mat made me beam with such pride. I am so happy that I get to have you as my daughter and have your daddy as my husband. Don't get me wrong... Daddy's still going to help me redecorate the bathroom -- he just reminded me that you are the best gift I will have ever have.
After receiving your beautiful artwork, daddy made us the most delicious breakfast of French toast and bacon. Mommy wished every day could be Mother's Day after eating a breakfast like that!
Mimi and Pop-pop even came down for the weekend because Mimi wanted to see you for her Mother's Day, too. You don't get to see them every day, but when you do see them, you love spending time with them. You loved having your Mimi and Pop-pop time!
During their visit, they got to see just how much you've grown. I told them that since you turned 10 months old, you started taking your first baby steps. In only the past two weeks, you went from only being able to take a few short wobbly steps to being able to walk all around the living room. Mimi and Pop-pop were very impressed by this. One of your favorite things to do now that you can walk is to walk all the way to window and hide behind the curtains.
Besides walking, you've started doing something else that is new... One of your new quirky habits has been eating books. Yup, you read that correctly. You EAT books. Mommy and daddy often joke that you're half goat... So far you've eaten about five books and chewed through the cases of three DVDs. But you only have six teeth! You may only have six teeth, but you know how to use them.
Izzy, thanks for making life so interesting and fun. I don't think I'll ever stop loving being your mommy.
I love you.